
Program Director
Jeho Park, Ph.D.
Jeho Park is the Director of the Murty Sunak Quantitative and Computing Lab and has been a long-time member of the Claremont Colleges community. After receiving his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Claremont Graduate University in 2009, he started his career at Harvey Mudd College (HMC) as the Scientific Computing Specialist. Park became the Associate Director of HMC’s Academic and Research Computing group, where he established scientific and research computing services for students and faculty who needed help with their projects and theses.
His research and career interests are in high performance computing, data science, AI/Machine Learning, and computer science and mathematics education.
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, City of Ontario
Spring 2023, Wang Globalnet
Fall 2023, Pebblous
Spring 2024, Pebblous
Fall 2024, Luckmon
Faculty Advisors
George Batta, Ph.D.
George Batta is an Associate Professor of Economics of the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance at at Claremont McKenna College. His areas of expertise include Data Science, Financial Accounting, and Financial Economics.
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, City of Sierra Madre
Spring 2021, East Valley Water District
Fall 2021, East Valley Water District
Spring 2022, East Valley Water District
Sarah Cannon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Project Advised:
Fall 2021, Avvo
Spring 2022, Ngage
Fall 2022, Ngage
Spring 2024, LACPW
Fall 2024, LA Public Works
Gabriel Cook, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychological Science
Project Advised:
Spring 2021, MagicLinks
Fall 2022, A Major League Baseball Club
Spring 2023, Ontario Airport
Fall 2023, Ontario Airport
Spring 2024, Soundable Health
Fall 2024, Gabriel Cook
Jennifer Feitosa, Ph.D.
Jennifer Feitosa is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychological Sciences at Claremont McKenna College and the director of the METRICS Lab. Dr. Feitosa’s main research interests include diversity, teamwork, and methods in the workplace. She is currently answering questions, such as How can we maximize the benefits of diversity in teams at work? She has co-authored over 30 publications, including journals such as American Psychologist, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Psychological Assessment, Organizational Dynamics, Human Resource Management Review, and Group Dynamics, and is in the editorial board of Small Groups Research. Her projects are set to reach breadth and depth in the area of diverse teams, by integrating the literature (e.g., Feitosa et al., 2018), utilizing qualitative methods (e.g., Burke & Feitosa, 2015) as well as quantitative approaches (e.g., Feitosa et al., 2015; 2017; 2020). Furthermore, she has presented over 50 times in conferences and her work has been featured at APA monitor and ioatwork.com.
Project Advised:
Fall 2021, NBCUniversal
Spring 2022, NBCUniversal
Fall 2022, NBCUniversal
Spring 2023, NBCUniversal
Fall 2024, West Valley Water District
Laura Grant, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Economics
Project Advised:
Fall 2022, East Valley Water District
Spring 2023, East Valley Water District
Fall 2023, East Valley Water District
Spring 2024, Ontario Airport
Fall 2024, City of Claremont
Mike Izbicki, Ph.D.
Mike Izbicki is an assistant professor of Mathetmatics Department at Claremont McKenna College. His background includes Machine Learning algorithms for large-scale social media problems and non-English Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, Flexfit
Fall 2023, Wang Globalnet
Spring 2024, Wang Globalnet
Fall 2024, Samba TV
Manfred Keil, Ph.D.
Manfred Keil is an associate professor of Robert Day School of Economics and Finance at Claremont McKenna College. His areas of expertise include Banking, Comparative Economic Performance, Macroeconomics, and Statistics.
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, A Major League Baseball Club
Fall 2020, A Major League Baseball Club
Spring 2021, City of Ontario
Spring 2022, StoryHouse Ventures
Bhaven Mistry, Ph.D.
Bhaven Mistry is the Assistant Director of the Murty Sunak Quantitative. He joined Claremont McKenna College after receiving his Ph.D. in Biomathematics from UCLA. There he researched HIV viral dynamics,
the physics of biological assays, and the statistical mechanics of molecular evolution. Prior to his doctoral work, he received an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and M.S. in Mathematics from Cal State University Northridge where he pursued research in machine learning and emergent behaviors of biological swarms.
Dr. Mistry is also involved in novel approaches to mathematical education for undergraduate students, particularly those with a non-STEM emphasis. His developed techniques include combining higher mathematical concepts with hands-on labs and creative writing assignments to make math more accessible.
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, Wellpath
Fall 2020, Wellpath
Spring 2021, Dreyev
Fall 2021, A Major League Baseball Club
Spring 2022, A Major League Baseball Club
Fall 2022, The Tie
Fall 2023, A Major League Baseball Club
Spring 2024, A Major League Baseball Club
Fall 2024, A Major League Baseball Club
Angela Vossmeyer, Ph.D.
Angela Vossmeyer is an Associate Professor of Economics at Claremont McKenna College and a Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Professor Vossmeyer joined the Robert Day School in 2015 after receiving her Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Irvine.
Her research interests include: econometrics, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), simulation-based inference, financial economics, financial crises, and economic history. She was recently a visiting scholar at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the Division of Monetary Affairs.
Project Advised:
Spring 2020, Avvo
Fall 2020, Ngage
Spring 2021, Ngage
Fall 2022, Avvo