Wellpath LLC

Wellpath’s mantra for our 15,000+ healthcare professionals is to “always do the right thing.” As a public health stakeholder, our mission is to be the premier provider of localized, high-quality, compassionate care for vulnerable patients in challenging clinical environments, including jails, prisons psychiatric hospitals and civil commitment centers. Wellpath deals with a wide range of clinical services, including chronic and infectious disease identification and management, addictive behaviors and treatment, and mental health services.
Wellpath is the largest private-sector provider of correctional healthcare services, caring for adult and juvenile inmates across 34 states in the US, as well as Australia. Wellpath manages an average daily population (ADP) of some 300,000 people across 463 sites in US local government, department of corrections, and recovery solutions facilities. Similar to an Emergency Room, our clinical staff triaged over 1.5M incarcerations and cared for more than 1M patients last year. Please provide a short description of your company, its history, and its footprint in the industry.